A salt manufacturer requested Dynapumps to attend their site to look at their existing setup for brine water extraction from the field. The purpose was to identify what is required to make a quality diesel-driven transfer pump resilient to the harsh environment. The specifications were finally recognised to custom-design and build a skid-mounted CAT diesel-driven self-priming dewatering unit.
- Non-metallic wear strips
- Heavy Duty paint specification
- Centre point lifting and fork lift accessibility (structurally designed)
- All welds are completed in full for all connections. If this is not feasible then at time of blast all crevices will be filled with sealant before painting.
- Densyl tap on all fasteners and fittings not painted
- Senson grease used on all external connections and plugs
- Engine Radiator epoxy coated
- Engine OEM hoses and clamps changed to 316SS